Trucking Wait Fee

A trucking wait fee is typically charged by a truck driver if they have to wait more than 1-2 hours while cargo is being unloaded. This is a prorated hourly charge.

What is a trucking wait fee?

A trucking wait fee is assessed by the trucker if the amount of free waiting time expires.

Most truck drivers will allow for 1-2 free hours of waiting to pick up the full container and 1-2 hours to unload the full container. After the free time expires, they will begin charging for additional time on a prorated hourly rate — the trucking wait fee.

Additional wait time to pick up the container from the port is usually caused by port congestion. Subscribe to Flexport’s market updates to keep up to date on what ports are experiencing severe congestion.

To read more about live-unload deliveries versus drops (and drop fees)

If applicable, a trucking wait fee will appear on your Flexport quote or invoice as a destination charge.