Closed Area

A closed area can be any part of the yard that is closed for the pickup of containers by external operators, as designated by the terminal. They are more likely to occur in times of terminal congestion and can last for a number of hours or a number of days. Unfortunately there is no way to mitigate this situation and you must simply wait.

When a container is in a closed area it prevents a trucker from recovering it. This means the last free day (LFD) clock for pickup is stopped until the container is no longer in a closed area, whether this means the container is moved internally within the yard or the closed area designation is removed from where the container is being stored. How long your LFD will be extended depends on the terminal and the length of time in the closed area.

A closed area can be any part of the yard that is closed for the pickup of containers by external operators, as designated by the terminal. They are more likely to occur in times of terminal congestion and can last for a number of hours or a number of days. Unfortunately there is no way to mitigate this situation and you must simply wait.